Thursday 1 January 2015

The first blog post for 2015


Christmas and New Year is passed, at least if you celebrate the festivities according to Gregorian calendar. If you go by the Julian calendar you can look forward to celebrating Christmas in six days, on the 7th of January.  I have celebrated both festivities, though. Or... Christmas was spent with my family, spending time with my loved ones, eating good food, getting some really nice Christmas presents. Properly celebrated. But New Year was spent coughing, sneezing and sounding like Tom Waits when I spoke. I have been down with this really stubborn flu, that just won't go away, for five days now. Largely thanks to SJ AB, who gave me a seat in a pretty much unsheltered, uninsulated cabin on the train.

So that's how my days are spent currently. But how are you? Have you been celebrating Christmas and New Year already, and if so, how was it? Hope all is well with you.

I thought that the first blog post after the holidays would be about something completely different. We do have so much to tell you. Although no training sessions have been planned yet the members of our club the club are very active, and there are things that we will write about here. We have gotten products (as Christmas presents) that will be tested and evaluated in the months to come - bicycling-friendly jeans and t-shirts, saddle bags, tools and hopefully bike helmets. We have came across some really inspiring people, organisations and events that we want to tell you about. At the moment we have handed in five different bikes to the Police's lost property office, and if the owners don't show up these will be taken care of. Some of them will go to Cykelköket - The Bike kitchen - and hopefully make someone happy, and others will become personal projects. The political situation in Sweden is becoming clearer and at the same time is more unclear than ever, and we will have to comment on that.

So that's what you can look forward to! But at the moment I am mostly interested in going to bed, sleep and get rid of this bloody flu. So I will quit here, for now. And I'll see you soon again.

Take care! Lots of love

(This is not one of the bikes handed in to the Police's lost property office (because it's locked, see?) and maybe it's too late for this bike anyway. Maybe it wasn't of very high quality to begin with, it's rusty, it's been stripped of basically everything that you don't need specialised tools to take off and if you look at the top tube it's really damaged. It's a bit sad, isn't it? There are people who would like to have a bike but can't, for different reasons, and even though this is probably the result of a thief looking for easy money, now it's just scrapmetal. Oh well...)

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