Tuesday 18 November 2014

Mr Grey?

We do hope that you have better weather than we do. We can't even remember the last time we saw the sun. The sky is an endless light grey colour, a shade somewhere between matt aluminium and milk. Sometimes it rains, then the rain stops, but the colour of the sky doesn't change. To be honest it is a little bit depressing. (And to make things absolutely right, right now there is a programme about middle-aged men who want to commit suicide, on the one radio channel we can receive on our radio. Who said Swedes don't have a sense of humour?)

Well, thankfully there are remedies. Our cure is large doses of Pharrell Williams

and dreams of Persol sunglasses

and of riding our bicycles into the summer night. Or heck, we'd even ride fixies if we could do it in Melbourne, Australia!

Ride safe, everybody

(And of course those last photos, of the Persol sunglasses, weren't taken by us. Respect and thanks in advance to the photographer and to Persol, on whose official site we found the pictures.)

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