Saturday 20 December 2014

Mellandagarna with Campagnolo?

Apparently there is no specific English word for "mellandagarna", it just translates to "the days between Christmas and New Year". You don't know what you're missing! Mellandagsrea - The mellandagarna sale, mellandagssemester - the mellandagarna holidays, mellandagsångest - the mellandagarna angst... But there is a number of really good Swedish words that doesn't have any English equivalent or translation. "Tjej" for example - a person of the female sex, who's not a girl but not quite a woman either. (I think the word comes from the Romani language, originally.) And there is the "fika" - to have a cup of coffee or tea or something else to drink and maybe also something to eat, usually a pastry or a cake. But also the whole social situation - to sit down and socialise, spend some time with friends and family, talk and take it easy.

But this blog entry is about Campagnolo! Yesterday Campagnolo followed up their newsletter, where they wrote that they "reserves to its customers and fans a special surprise in occassion of the upcoming holidays". And now it's here: the famous Campagnolo BIG corkscrew. It really is extremely good-looking, coming either in bronze or satin-finish (steel).

Really stylish, made in Italy (meaning no forced or underpaid labour), coming delivered in a wooden box, it is yours for €107 + shipping. Compared to other facts about the price that we've run across, it's a bargain. So is this a first step towards being able to buy your Campagnolo products online? We hope so. And we do look forward to an opener for bottle tops as well. By the way, did we mention that Campagnolo also made really stylish polo shirts?

(No, we don't know if they're still available.So if you run across them, you're probably lucky.)

Ride safe!

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