Thursday 4 December 2014

Is it over yet?

Yeah, we know. We said that we wouldn't write more about the political situation in Sweden. But the thing is that we feel that we might have to. If we had been members of another "regular" cycling club we could have discussed politics with the other members and maybe have had an apolitical blog. (Just remember: To not take a political stand is to take a political stand.) If we had not decided to found our own cycling club, if we had not felt that we had to be political about it... but that's just who we are. And the fact is that just riding a bike is a political statement, whether you want it to or not. (That doesn't mean that riding bikes is first and foremost fun!)

Anyway, now that quite much is at stake in the new, extra election on the 22nd of March... Do we want a nicer society, a society where everyone is equal and has the rights and the possibilities to be the most that he or she can be? A solidaric society, where everyone has access to education and medical service. A society where everyone is welcome. Or do we want a harder society, a society where your worth is based upon how much money you make, where you can get a good education if you make enough money? We have our answer.

So what we want to say is that we will try to keep this blog about bikes. Liking bikes, having bikes, fixing bikes and riding bikes. (And riding bikes is so much nicer when you have a good bike infrastructure and you don't have to be afraid of or irritated at motorists: traffic planning is very political.) That said, we might feel that we have to comment on politics every now and then. We hope that you can bear with us.

And to make up a little bit for all the politics, here's a photo of a bike that we simply liked:

Ride safe!

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