Monday 29 June 2015

It happens every day

The only difference is that this time I had my camera ready.

The thing is, it's not a huge problem. And should it have been an uncommon phenomenon it would have been kind of OK, you know, we all have to get along and share the roads. But when it happens day after day, time after time, as a bicyclist you start to get really fed up with it.

A couple of days ago I was riding along the bicycle lane, I came to a crossing and there was this white estate car standing right across it. Now, as you can see I had red light. But I saw this car from a distance when the light was green (for bicyclists) and this guy was standing right across the crossing even then, waiting for his light to change to green. If we make a comparison: How would people, motorists, react if I should stand in the middle of the car lane, waiting for my lights to change from red to green?

At least this guy didn't flip the bird at me, like another motorist who was standing across another bicycle lane another time, did. And again, this thing happening on rare occasions wouldn't be that bad. It's the pattern.

Ride safe!

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