Wednesday 11 March 2015

(As yet) unnamed Mustang, part 1

I haven't given her a name yet, but I might. (If you have any tips, write to me!) This probably is, or will be, my latest project. I found this old 10-speed Mustang bicycle standing abandoned by a train station. It's in a pretty bad state but that's actually how I want it. Unlike the vintage Peugeot Aubisque I found I plan to use this bike myself, as a winter commuter bike. You know, hardcore, gritty slush and cold... So you see, I won't have her sandblasted, painted and lacquered. The only thing I am going to do is clean her and replace all the broken or missing parts. I might use the luggage carrier and I will add mudgards. A winter commuter bike, with focus on "commuter". And "winter". And "bike"...

I haven't done anything, except pick her up from the lost property office, where she has been standing for three months. (Handed in to the police and reported as "found" in december last year, and now, three months later I have paperwork that says that the bike is mine.) So if this bike turns out to be in a really bad shape I'll just recycle it. But I will give her a chance.

That's all I have to say about it right now. I must confess that I don't know much about it. Mustang was an old Swedish bicycle brand, started in 1947 by the Trelleborgs Velocipedfabrik bicycle factory, but the bicycles themselves were made in Japan after production was discontinued in Sweden, in 1994. This bicycle of mine is made in Japan and... probably not that good. But again: that's actually how I want it.

So: Pictures! (And revelling in bicycle mistreatment...)

Ride safe!

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