Tuesday 9 September 2014

Helsinki Rock City, part 1

This summer we spent a couple of days in Helsinki. We guess that when you hear the words "great cycling city" Helsinki might not be the first city to spring to mind, but over the years we have noticed a really positive shift in the attitude towards cycling and cyclists here. One great example is Baana/Banan (The Track), a 1.3 km long bicycle highway, running between Hietalahti/Sandviken and Kluuvi/Gloet, around Kamppi/Kampen. It runs where there was once a freight train railway. The railway was shut down and turned into this:

A bicycle superhighway with easily accessible ramps and staircases, clearly divided lanes for pedestrians and cyclists in both directions, permanent chairs and other interesting objects. Hyvää Helsinki!

Now, admittedly, 1.3 km really isn't that long, and we don't really know what it's like to be a cyclist in Helsinki around the year (or even in the summer, for that matter), but you have to start somewhere. Helsinki has started, and so have we. Ride safe!


  1. Lovely pictures! Would love to see something similar in Gothenburg...

    1. Yes, it is kind of cool, isn't it? Check out the bicycle stands that I show in the post "Helsinki Rock City, part 2". They're kind of cool as well. (And sori for the late reply!)
