Monday 23 June 2014

Obstacles, part 3

If your car breaks down and you have to call someone to tow it, what do you do with the car in the meantime? You park it on the bicycle lane, of course!

And what do you do when you come to tow a broken-down car, where do you lift and fasten the broken-down car? You do it on the bicycle lane, of course!

You know, it's exactly this kind of attitude that create bitter bicyclists, who write angry letters to the press (and angry blog posts). Yes, I understand that you thought that you would have been in the way and that other cars would have had to slow down and drive around you. But we bicyclists have just as much right to our lanes and roads as you motorists do! Imagine a bicyclist standing in the middle of a (car) road with a flat tire, waiting for a friend to come by with a new tube and a pump. How would motorists react to that?

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