Thursday, 23 May 2019

Svenska Cykelmässan 2019, part 2

A guy who calls himself Sambal Oelek also attended the Svenska Cykelmässan bicycle fair, two months ago. He is not a member of Ensliga Bergens cykelklubb (and probably doesn't want to either, which is totally cool), but he was kind enough to give me permission to display his photos from the fair on this blog.

There really isn't that much to say about the photos, except that Sambal Oelek is a much, much more talented photographer than I am. So, here you go:

 A thriatlon bike... Euch!

I think that this stuff (the two photos above, and the manufacturers' badges) are from an exhibition about bikes at the Mölndals Stadsmuseum museum. Keep an eye out for a post about our visit there.

OK, so it's an electric mountain bike... But look how they've painted the logo on the frame. So cool.

Yeah, you will never see me a pair of windfrees. They are probably really clever, but you look like a dork wearing them.

Fredrika Ek's bike!

I don't know who this bike belongs to.

I couldn't get an espresso at Café Kask, but maybe I could have gotten one here? But why was this wagon stuffed away in a dark corner?! How much did they actually sell, from this crappy place? Hey Svenska Cykelmässan! This is not cool!

This is where I bought a Campagnolo Athena crank set, and T a Specialized helmet and a pair of red gloves.

This is pornography...

Thanks for the photos, Sambal Oelek! Ride safe, y'all!