There really isn't that much to say about the photos, except that Sambal Oelek is a much, much more talented photographer than I am. So, here you go:
A thriatlon bike... Euch!
I think that this stuff (the two photos above, and the manufacturers' badges) are from an exhibition about bikes at the Mölndals Stadsmuseum museum. Keep an eye out for a post about our visit there.
OK, so it's an electric mountain bike... But look how they've painted the logo on the frame. So cool.
Yeah, you will never see me a pair of windfrees. They are probably really clever, but you look like a dork wearing them.
Fredrika Ek's bike!
I don't know who this bike belongs to.
I couldn't get an espresso at Café Kask, but maybe I could have gotten one here? But why was this wagon stuffed away in a dark corner?! How much did they actually sell, from this crappy place? Hey Svenska Cykelmässan! This is not cool!
This is where I bought a Campagnolo Athena crank set, and T a Specialized helmet and a pair of red gloves.
This is pornography...
Thanks for the photos, Sambal Oelek! Ride safe, y'all!