Sunday, 21 September 2014

Helsinki Rock City, part 2

In our previous post about Helsinki we wrote about Baana/Banan (The Track), which we think is a great initiative. Another great initiative in Helsinki are bicycle stands. Are these bicycle stands designed or inspired by David Byrne? (Check out his "The Jersey" stand, in his book "Bicycle Diaries".) Whether or not, they are really cool. And not only do they look great, the design makes them easy to spot and in a really simple way they show how much less space parked bicycles need, compared to parked cars.

We would love to see these in our city too!

Monday, 15 September 2014

It's not over

We won't comment on the result of the national elections in Sweden yesterday. But if you wonder just where we stand politically (yes, we're that kind of cycling club) we suggest you read our very first blog post.

Ride safe!

Sunday, 14 September 2014


Here are some pictures from yesterday's demonstration for congestion tax in Gothenburg. And none of the people on the photos are members of Ensliga Bergens cykelklubb. Just so you know.

More pictures can be seen here.

Friday, 12 September 2014

Bicycle demonstration for congestion tax! Tomorrow Saturday, in Gothenburg, Sweden!

If you own a bicycle, love to ride your bicycle, live in Gothenburg, are in Gothenburg tomorrow and think that congestion tax is a great idea:

Bicycle demonstration for congestion tax. We gather at 12 o'clock tomorrow (Saturday, the 13th of September), on the Järntorget square in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Be there or be square! And ride safe!

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Helsinki Rock City, part 1

This summer we spent a couple of days in Helsinki. We guess that when you hear the words "great cycling city" Helsinki might not be the first city to spring to mind, but over the years we have noticed a really positive shift in the attitude towards cycling and cyclists here. One great example is Baana/Banan (The Track), a 1.3 km long bicycle highway, running between Hietalahti/Sandviken and Kluuvi/Gloet, around Kamppi/Kampen. It runs where there was once a freight train railway. The railway was shut down and turned into this:

A bicycle superhighway with easily accessible ramps and staircases, clearly divided lanes for pedestrians and cyclists in both directions, permanent chairs and other interesting objects. Hyvää Helsinki!

Now, admittedly, 1.3 km really isn't that long, and we don't really know what it's like to be a cyclist in Helsinki around the year (or even in the summer, for that matter), but you have to start somewhere. Helsinki has started, and so have we. Ride safe!

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Everyday is like Sunday

Or well... In fact it's not. Not right now. Right now we're all feeling kind of good. So here:

is the video of the day! Ride safe!

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Riding in the countryside

It's so nice to ride your bicycle in the countryside in the summer. The landscape, the views, the fresh air...

And if you're really lucky you ride past a small country shop, where a farmer sells homemade products. Like on the island of Öland, where we bought a jar of raspberry and liquorice marmalade this summer. Yummy.

So why the hell do you have to leave litter?!

Just throwing your used, empty sports gel wrappings like that... Dude, what the hell?! Don't just throw your wrappings on the ground. Take it home and throw it in the garbage, you lazy asshole!

Most road cyclists are just jerks, but some road cyclists are jerks who pollute.